Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Dating... Goodbye vs Breakup
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Breaking up is hard to do. Its a great chance to practice boundary setting. Who knows, you may just end up with a life long friendship... and maybe not. Laura and Nate go into detail about how they have experienced relationships end. What type of relationship warrants an actual breakup? When is it okay to just say goodbye? Is there a point you don't have to say anything at all and just do an Irish Goodbye? Good thing both Laura and Nate are Irish.
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Divorce is a journey
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Accepting that divorce is a journey and not a war. Dealing with the possible division of family and friends once your relationship changes and evloves with your ex. Truly, dealing with the fact that your ex is not your spouse anymore is huge paradigm shift. Coparenting and being single... how that shows up in your life.
It would be so nice if divorce just had an end point, but it just doesn't and you are not alone.
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Meeting someone for the very first time-Meet vs Date
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Laura and Nate talk about “Just the Tips.” What is a date is versus the first time you meet someone. And yes, it feels like the first time. You are starting your trek out into the Wild. Looking for any sort of distraction from the big breakup you are having. They go deep into some of their first and worst meets. Not to bury the lead, but they also talk about their first date! Listen to hear both sides of how that went and how Laura became Nate’s guide into the Wild.
Still lots of talk about divorce, separation, coparenting, single life, dating and parenting.
Follow on Instagram @wttwpod or find us on Facebook, Welcome to the Wild.
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Telling the kids and moving out
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
You are at the point to tell the kids. Everything feels like it is getting real, this can be harder than telling your parents. Now you are working on logistics of separating. How is this going to effect your kids lives and their future? What is your household going to look like? When will you see your kids next? How to deal with life when you will not be seeing your kids every night. Stress and mental health while going through separation. Be it a single dad or a single mom, this is your new normal. Divorce, separation, coparenting, single life, dating post divorce as a distraction. Your kids will be looking to mommy and daddy for how to act and react in this new world while you are trying to keep their lives as normal as possible.
Laura and Nate recount how they told their kids and began to separate their households. Another step in moving each of their lives to The Wild.
Sunday May 24, 2020
When the truth comes out - telling the parents
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Telling your closest family and friends about your separation and looming divorce is one of the hardest and most memorable points in the process. We recount the moments and days surrounding telling parents about divorce. Breaking down the emotions and dealing with expectations of how to deal with the ending of a marriage. Starting to accept the reality of what is going on in your life. This is also the point when people outside the situation offer advice. Its okay to just say thank you and move on, they mean well but its hard to accept anything anyone says at this point. Finding support from close friends and family along with a mental health professional. Separation, coparenting and dealing with the nuances of grief.
Monday May 18, 2020
Day 1-The Epiphany
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Bam... it hits you... your relationship is over, or is it? There comes a point you begin questioning whether or not you should get a divorce. No one expects to get a divorce, you plan a healthy, loving marriage... well, most of us. No matter what got you to this place, you are here. Your relationship is over... what do you do now? We talk about the shock awe of what your first day in The Wild is about.
Monday May 18, 2020
Welcome to the Wild Introduction
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Introduction of what "The Wild" is and is not. Life before, during and after divorce or even a long relationship. Every story is very different yet also quite similar. Navigating relationships, self dicovery and parenting all while recovering from divorce. Just two people who have seen and experienced many of the trials and tribulations from married to single life. Everything from first moments the relationship ends, getting your own place, co-parenting, dating and single life. It is not all fun and games, we dive into the dark and twisty corners of "The Wild." We are also very funny, just wait. Laughter is our coping mechanism.